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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel has been an essential element of business and marketing for many years. Recently however, it appears that funnels are being discussed everywhere online.

The reality is that people are eager to learn more about this concept of marketing and how they can apply it to enhance their online business marketing efforts. Read on to learn more on the sales funnel for Internet marketing success.

The Sales Funnel: What is it?

A marketing funnel does not actually refer to the concept of a funnel. In this case, the use of funnel is to visually define the sales process from the beginning to its conclusion. The term"funnel" can be utilized to define the process of selling due to its wider entry path for "Unqualified Prospects", and a smaller opening for converts at the bottom.

People that are "unqualified prospects" are at the upper end of the funnel. This is people who have never spoken to you but may be interested in your products or services. After a series of phone calls, sales and promotions later, you have reached people who have bought your products or services.

The effectiveness of a lead generation funnel comes from the fact that it allows you to monitor the potential buyers' behavior during different stages of the lengthy sales process. Utilizing the sales funnel to determine the amount of prospects who are qualified at every stage, you can predict how many potential customers will become actual customers.

You can use a sales funnel to determine where and how your sales procedure is working or failing, and whether you're not attracting enough potential customers. This data will help you determine where your goal should be and how you can keep sales at the right level. It is used to monitor and manage the sales process of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top Front - End

The top section of your sales funnel should undergo continuous testing and be the most active. There is no limit of front-end concepts. Your imagination and your resources are your only limits.

The primary goal is to get new customers and then convert them into buyers.

A potential customer will be "qualified" once they have signed up to the product or service you offer. This is when the potential customer, also known as an "Unqualified Prospect", becomes an "qualified lead. They have taken a step that shows that they may be interested in the product or service you offer.

For your front-end to be efficient, you need to bring targeted traffic to your website blog, website or squeeze page. PPC advertisements, article marketing, banners, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube, banners, blog posting, forum posting and other resources are some of the most effective techniques and resources.

There are a variety of tools available to "qualify" those who are "Unqualified Prospect". A squeeze page is one of the most efficient ways to "qualify" the prospects who are not qualified. It allows you to provide something valuable, relevant to your product or services, that customers can get for free or at a significantly reduced cost by requesting their email address. You can select from reports and newsletters and videos and e-mail courses.

This indicates that customers are drawn to your sales channel at the front. What about the back end?


The Bottom of The Funnel: The Back-End

The back-end (or bottom) of the sales channel is where the majority of profits and sales occur. You will usually find the higher-priced products in this area. These products would all be relevant to the same audience, however they are offered in various formats, such as video, audio and live interactions.

The main difference between front-end and back-end is the kind of client, as well as the cost of the service or product being provided.

It is the case that only a small percent, maybe 1 to 2 percent of the people who enter your front-end will be able to make it into your back-end. This is because a select few will invest a greater amount of funds.

While front-end services and products might be cheaper than $100, back-end services and products typically cost at the range of hundreds to thousands. This means that the top of the funnel, or the back-end, the primary source for revenue for your Internet business. It is also the most predictable and secure area of the process of selling.

As I mentioned, the sales funnel may be as easy or complicated as your creativity or resources permit.

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