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Mold Cleaning Services in Greensboro NC

Jan 8

Mold can pose a huge problem for any home, and can cause health issues if it is not addressed immediately. If you are in need of mold removal service located in Greensboro NC, then Mold Patrol is the right company for you. Our experienced team of professionals can assist you in getting rid of any kind of mold quickly in a safe and secure manner, so you can live a healthy and secure life. Contact us today to learn more!

What is Mold?

Mold is a problematic indoor fungal growth that can occur on many surfaces, including ceilings, walls as well as floors and furniture. If mold is found in large amounts the fungus can release harmful spores which can cause serious health problems. It is common for mold to grow in damp environments and can reproduce quickly which is why it's vital to act quickly if you notice the signs of growth.

How Does Mold Form?

It usually develops when moisture accumulates and conditions are perfect for development. This can happen in areas in which there is a leaky roofing or plumbing system, or in humid environments like bathrooms or basements. Other fungal species (like Candida) also helps to accelerate the growth of mold.

What are the Signs of Mold Growth?

The most common indication of the growth of mold is a musty odor. Other signs include the appearance of black spots on walls or ceilings, rusty water staining on floors or furniture as well as white patches on the surface of materials like clothes or paper towels which have been allowed to dry and spores clumps that can be seen with a microscope. If you think you may have a mold problem be sure to contact an expert who can assess the problem firsthand.

How Does Mold Cause Problems?

Mold is a frequent issue in businesses and homes. It can lead to health issues as well as damage property and cost money to fix. Mold can grow on any surface that is damp and dark. It is most often found on items damaged or not properly cleaned. It can be a concern in any climate, but it is most prevalent in warmer climates where there are a lot of moist.

There are many ways mold could cause problems:

1. Allergens from molds could make people sick.

2. Mold can release toxins that can make people sick.

3. Mold can produce bacteria that can make people sick.

4. This can result in structural problems to buildings.

5. Mold can create conditions that allow different insects to develop and create problems.

Types of Mold

There are a variety of molds, each having its own unique set of health risks. Here are four common types of mold and their symptoms:

1. Aspergillus - This type of mold is usually seen on bread and other baked items, and may cause respiratory issues such as coughing, wheezing and breath shortness.

2. Penicillium- This type of mold is seen on things like cereal, pasta, floor tiles, and wallpaper. It may cause extreme allergic reactions that require medical intervention.

3. Fusarium - This kind of mold is usually found on fruits and vegetables and dried-out Sheetrock and in damp environments like basements or crawl spaces. It is a cause of a wide variety of health problems, like cancer, reproductive issues and more.

4. Trichophyton - This type of mold is typically located on the skin or hair, and can cause serious infections if is introduced into the body via the cut or scrape.

How to Detect Mold in Your Home

If you see the growth of mold in your home it is essential to contact a professional mold remediation company in the earliest time possible. Here are some helpful tips on how to spot mold:

Find black or discoloration on the surfaces in which mold is growing. Mold growth can make wood surfaces change in color as well as the appearance of black soot or dust suggests that spores have been growing and spreading.

Smell the air in the affected region. If you notice an odor that resembles wet cardboard, sulfur, or hay with a mouldy smell, there's a possibility of an issue with mold.

Look for leakage from cracks or openings in the building structure. This could indicate water damage caused by the growth of mold. This must be dealt with by a specialist remediation firm.

Examine for signs that are visible of decay, such as softwood lumber turning brown or yellow, wallpaper peeling away from walls, or carpet becoming matted down due to accumulation of moisture. If any of these indicators are present, then it is probable that the structure has been exposed for a long time to high levels of moisture that could support mold growth.

What to Do If You Find Mold

If you find mold, here are some tips for cleaning it:

Remove any potential sources of moisture. This includes any artwork or wallpapers, carpeting, etc. In the event that there's standing water in the area, put a bucket of cool water on the area and wait for five minutes. If the mold doesn't disappear after five minutes, call a professional.

- If you have access to an air conditioner , or dehumidifier make them fully on and use the fan to rotate the air around your mold.

Clean any surfaces that could have come into contact with the mold by using a solution of 1 part bleach and 9 parts of water. Scrub until the surface is clear.

2. Pour 2 cups of Borax into an enormous saucepan and bring to a rolling boil. Then add 3 cups of water, and stir well to combine. Pour this mixture over the mold and allow it to sit for about 10 mins. Remove the mold carefully using an airbrush or vacuum and rinse using cool water. Dry completely before storage or reusing.

Cleaning Supplies You'll Need

Cleaning supplies you'll need for mold removal:

Mold Cleaner: A powerful concentrated formula created to cleanse and deodorize the surfaces that are prone to mold.

Sponges: A few tiny, soft sponges are used to scrub delicate areas.

Broom: a robust broom for sweeping and debris removal.

--Pine Sol (or Citrus Degreaser is a powerful solution of either one to clean and remove the stains of moldy surfaces.

- Large or large pot with lid: big enough to accommodate the cleaning solution and with an arm wringer to squeeze the excess liquid.

- Clothesline or hose: long enough to reach up to high areas , but wide enough to cover several surfaces.

Tips for Removing Mold from surfaces

Mold can be a very hazardous health risk if not dealt with properly. Here are some suggestions to get rid of mold

- Soak the surface to be cleaned with water, then add a teaspoon of chlorine bleach for every gallon. Swish and scrub the surface with a brush or a bucket filled up with soapy water. Repeat this process until mold is removed.

The mold may be on an object that is not able to be washed down, like drywall, then use Commercial Mold Cleaners found in many hardware stores. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for using this product.

  • When the mould is situated behind wallpaper or on other painted surfaces then remove the paint by scraping it off with an apex knife or credit card. Then use the Commercial Mold Cleaner to clean the surface.
Phone +13366393338
Address:  4175 Burch Bridge Rd, Burlington, NC 27217, United States